Conference Presenters Past & Present

The following are the  presenters who have been past presenters or are anticipated to be at the next Conference:


  • Brad Muir/Jon Northrup, Crash Data Specialists

    • Brad Muir brings 30 years of police experience, the last 21as a Collision Reconstructionist, with a large police agency in Ontario, Canada. Brad has extensive experience in passenger vehicle Event Data Recorders (EDR’s) and has been using this information in his cases since 1997. Brad has been a CDR user since its introduction in early 2000. Brad facilitated one of the earliest series of CDR validation crash tests in August 2000 in Ontario, and has been involved in over 200 such tests. Brad has been a CDR trainer since 2003. With Crash Data Specialists Brad instructs both the Operators as well as the Analysis and Applications course and the CDR Update courses.
    •  Jon Northrup is a consulting Reconstructionist who retired from the Rochester NY Police Department after 27 years of service. During his time with the department he served as a Police evidence technician for 7 years and as the departments Principal Reconstructionist for nearly 14 Years. During this time he responded to the scene of a thousand fatal and serious physical injury motor vehicle collisions and was solely responsible for the technical investigation and reconstruction of over 500 of these collisions over the past 18 years. Jon also works extensively with crash testing at crash training and reconstruction conferences. This crash testing and other work he has been involved in has been featured on The History Channel, National Geographic Television, The Discovery Health Network and in Car and Driver and Collision Magazines. His ongoing work continues to advance the cutting edge of technical accident investigation and collision reconstruction methods and practice while also assisting the equipment and automakers to better understand how their in-vehicle data recorders can assist both Reconstructionists and the legal system in an improved understanding of what happens in real world vehicle crashes.


  • C. Gregory Russell – JS Held

    • Mr. Russell is a former U.S Military Police Officer with over 30 years of law enforcement experience, over 25 years of experience in Collision Reconstruction. He has advanced training in Crash Investigation & Reconstruction and specialized training in Crash Investigation & Reconstruction from the Institute of Police Technology and Management, Texas A&M, Engineering Extension and the Collision Safety Institute. Mr. Russell was a certified Department of Transportation Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Inspector and completed the Federal Motor Carrier Inspector’s Course; Hazardous Materials Inspector’s Course and Bulk Cargo Container Inspector’s Course. He has taught all three levels of crash investigation, crush energy analysis, pedestrian accident investigation, advanced accident investigation, and offers a course in the use of Excel in accident investigation. Additionally, he has been recognized as an expert collision reconstructionist consultant in several states.


  • Steve Anderson – CMV

    • Steve retired after 23 years as a police officer with the Ontario Provincial Police in Canada. In 2022, Steve started Truck Crash Specialists LLC and is now residing in Oklahoma, providing consulting services for Sooner Crash Consulting and Reconstruction LLC. Steve is a collision reconstructionist and has been conducting these duties since 2006, having had a hand in reconstructing over 550 collisions.  He has assisted in the completion of 100 live instrumented crash tests including vehicle, motorcycle, heavy vehicle, cyclist, pedestrian and barrier systems. Steve received a full accreditation as a Traffic Accident Reconstructionist with the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR) in 2011 and was a past representative and assistant representative to the ACTAR Governing Board of Directors (GBOD).   His passion is with Heavy Vehicle Event Data Recorders and their analysis and has been qualified numerous times as an expert in this field. Steve is a member-producer of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and serves on the J2728 Standard Truck and Bus Event Data Recorder Committee.


  • Tony Becker, MCJS, Forensic Training Group, LLC.

    • Tony Becker has nearly 40 years of experience as a consultant and educator specializing in traffic crash reconstruction. Tony holds a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice Administration and is ACTAR certified. His law enforcement career also includes serving as an officer with the US Army, Henry County (IL) Sheriff’s Department, and Bloomington IL Police Department. He was Chief Deputy Coroner with McLean County (IL) Coroner’s Office, and Program Manager with the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board. Additionally, he served as an instructor, Traffic Section Coordinator and Associate Director with the Institute of Police Technology and Management (IPTM). During his time at IPTM, Tony developed and delivered state of the art curriculum in the field of traffic crash reconstruction and investigation, including IPTM’s Advanced Pedestrian/Bicycle Crash Investigation Course, based on his years of research in the area of Ped/Cyclist Crash Investigation. His publications, Fundamentals of Pedestrian / Cyclist Traffic Crash Reconstruction and Lamp Examination for Traffic Collision Investigators have been widely used in the field. Currently as a member of the Forensic Training Group, Tony has been involved in heavy truck testing in the area of digital evidence. He has also developed training curriculum in VCrash simulation software and the Synercon Technologies heavy truck system. He is currently serving a 3-year term as a member of the Crime Scene Investigation Subcommittee within the Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) for Forensic Science, working to strengthen the nation’s use of forensic science by supporting the coordination, development and implementation of technically sound, consensus-based documentary standards and guidelines.


  • John Daily, BSME,  Jackson Hole Scientific Investigations Inc –

    • John Daily joined the IPTM Adjunct Staff in 1982 and immediately began teaching the Advanced and Reconstruction classes. He retired in 2002 from the Teton County Sheriff’s Office after over 25 years of service, rising to the rank of Patrol Sergeant. He currently owns Jackson Hole Scientific Investigations, Inc. Mr. Daily began his law enforcement career in Teton County, WY.  He was responsible for many aggravated vehicular homicide investigations during his tenure, not only for his agency, but for other agencies around the State. At the time of his retirement, he was certified by Wyoming POST as a General Instructor. Mr. Daily has a BSME from Purdue University, which he received in 1972. Mr. Daily graduated from the University of Wyoming in May 2008 with the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree. His research topic was “A Method for Vehicle-Wooden Utility Pole Impact Speed Analysis”. Mr. Daily, along with other analysts, has conducted fundamental research in several areas of traffic crash reconstruction, validating the analysis presented in his textbooks. With Nathan Shigemura, he has developed three advanced courses in Crash Reconstruction for IPTM programs. Mr. Daily wrote his first book, “Fundamentals of Traffic Accident Reconstruction”, in 1988. He collaborated with Nate Shigemura on the book “Fundamentals of Applied Physics for Traffic Accident Investigators” in 1997. In 2006, in collaboration with Nate Shigemura and Dr. Jeremy Daily, he wrote his third textbook, “Fundamentals of Traffic Crash Reconstruction”. This textbook is used both as a reference and as a textbook for five IPTM classes, including Vehicle Dynamics, Traffic Crash Reconstruction, Traffic Crash Reconstruction Update, Energy Methods and Damage Analysis, and Applied Physics. In addition, selected problems from the textbook have been used in the mechanical engineering curricula at Purdue University, the University of Tulsa, and the University of Wyoming.


  • Jeremy Daily, Ph.D., Colorado State University – Autonomous Vehicle Systems: Crash Data and Incidence Response     and    Vehicle Networking Concepts

    • Jeremy Daily served as an Assistant and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Tulsa (TU) from 2006-2019. In 2019, Dr. Daily accepted a position as an Associate Professor of Systems Engineering at Colorado State University where he continues to work on heavy vehicle cybersecurity and forensics. Jeremy Daily and Karl Heimer co-founded the CyberTruck Challenge in 2017. Dr. Daily serves as a director for the CyberTruck Challenge non-profit organization and actively recruits students to participate in this unique opportunity. In 2013, Dr. Daily started a technology company, Synercon Technologies, LLC, that has developed a data extraction tool for heavy vehicle event data recorder information. Law enforcement and crash reconstruction professionals all over the US and Canada use the Synercon Technologies systems for reconstructing crashes involving heavy vehicles. Synercon Technologies was acquired by DG Technologies in 2018.


  • Daniel Vomhof III – Expert Witness Services   /      4N6XPRT Systems

    • Daniel Vomhof III (also known as “DV3″) has been involved in Accident Investigation and Reconstruction since 1976.In addition to graduating from IPTM’s six weeks of At Scene-Advanced-Reconstruction classes, Mr. Vomhof has over 2000 hours of specific training in Accident Investigation/Reconstruction. Mr. Vomhof has earned Associate degrees in both Surveying and Engineering, a Bachelors in Engineering with emphasis in Manufacturing Engineering, the Engineer-in-Training license, and his ACTAR Accreditation #484.Mr. Vomhof has been involved in the programming and maintenance of the Expert AutoStats® program since its inception and first publication. Mr. Vomhof was the program designer of the 4N6XPRT StifCalcs® program. The information presented in the 4N6XPRT StifCalcs® program was first provided as a service only, then progressing to a program available to the public. The Summary Report feature and the Force Balance module are two of the notable improvements added to the program since its first release in 2003. He has been an invited speaker on several occasions on topics regarding crush and speed from crush. Mr. Vomhof has contributed to the Expert VIN DeCoder®, Expert Qwic Calcs®, 4N6XPRT Ped and Bike Calcs®, Expert TireStuf®, and 4N6XPRT BioMeknx® software programs. Mr. Vomhof has been contributing Photographs and Still Photos of crash test to various Crash Teams since 2002. As such, he has been a part of over 250 crash tests, featuring everything from Low Speed Car-to-Car, Pedestrian, and Motorcycle tests through High Speed Car-to-Car and Heavy Truck testing. Many of his photographs and videos have been included in the crash data provided by ARC-CSI, IATAI, MATAI, SCARS, IPTM, and SATAI.


  • TJ TennentTennent, Winkelman & Associates

    • TJ Tennent takes tires seriously. “While working for the world’s largest tire and rubber company – knew that the knowledge of all things tires would be important. However, I never imagined how it could be useful or helpful outside of the job. Now…three years into Tennent, Winkelman & Associates, I see how important this information is and can be – especially when there is an injury or death. At the same time, seeing the results that comes from using “Tire Experts” (those that profess to have the requisite knowledge or just enough knowledge to provide incorrect advise or out right lie. It is tragic seeing the harm that can come from choosing a tire expert hastily. “At Tennent, Winkelman & Associates ethical standards mean everything to us. Our associates keep ethics in mind during the work understanding how important it is to have individuals that represent our clients to ensure the best possible results.


  • David Hill – Palmetto Accident Reconstruction Services


  • Dale Smith – Traffic Safety Training Center

    • Owner and Chief Instructor, ACTAR # 924. Dale Smith is the owner, operator, and chief instructor for the Traffic Safety Training Center. Dale began his law enforcement career with the South Carolina Highway Patrol in 1992 and has over 25 years of law enforcement experience. In 2001, Dale was transferred to the SCHP’s Multi-disciplinary Accident Investigation Team (MAIT) where he began reconstructing collisions on a full time basis. In 2003 he was promoted within MAIT to the rank of sergeant, where he oversaw the operations of the Piedmont MAIT unit, consisting of 15 counties in South Carolina. In 2006, he accepted a job at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy, retiring at the end of 2017 at the rank of Lieutenant of the Traffic Safety Unit. While at the Academy, Dale was responsible for starting live crash testing as part of the collision reconstruction curriculum. Even as a supervisor, Dale is an active instructor accumulating more than 10,000 hours of teaching. Dale has been an instructor for over 17 years. He has been qualified as an expert in collision reconstruction more than 35 times. In his downtime, Dale is an experienced motorcycle rider and avid runner.


  • Vlad Bortchevsky – JS Held

    • Vlad Bortchevsky is a retired law enforcement professional with more than two decades of experience. Prior to retiring as a Sergeant, he investigated and reconstructed thousands of motor vehicle collisions resulting in serious injuries and / or death. Vlad has extensive training in collision investigation and reconstruction. In addition to his law enforcement career, for over 15 years Vlad has been providing professional expert services in the field of collision investigation, reconstruction, and management of civil cases involving various types of investigations. Vlad Bortchevsky is currently employed full time with JS Held as a Senior Project Manager within Vehicle Accident Reconstruction Practice. Vlad is in his second term of NAPARS Board of Directors.


  • Calvin Rikard

    • Meet Calvin Rikard, an experienced Forensics Specialist. Between his 21 years as a State Trooper of South Carolina Highway Patrol to 16 years as a Collision Reconstructionist, Calvin brings years of training and field work to to the table in order to provide customers the best solutions for their forensic needs.


  • Wade Bartlett – Mechanical Forensics Engineering Services, LLC

    • Wade Bartlett holds a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering, and a Professional Engineering license in New Hampshire (USA), and accreditation by ACTAR for nearly 30 years. He is an engineering consultant in N.H. specializing in mechanical failure analysis, motorcycle crash analysis, and event data recorders. After more than 30 years of doing this work, with an eye towards the end-game, he is no longer accepting new clients. That’s why his web site – – contains no CV. Or sales pitch. He has published papers with SAE, ITAI, ARJ, Collision, and others. As well as being a self employed engineering consultant doing mostly accident analysis work, he is part-time officer for the Town of Farmington, and is the assistant commander of the Strafford County Regional Accident Reconstruction Team. He recently received the Congressional Law Enforcement Award for Dedication and Professionalism.


  • Carmen Daecher

    • Carmen Daecher has over 40 years of professional experience in the transportation safety field.

      He holds a Masters degree in Transportation Engineering.

      He is an Accredited Reconstructionist.

      He is nationally recognized as a leading Fleet Safety Expert for commercial and non-commercial vehicle operations.

      He has consulted with Federal, State and Local branches of Government; numerous truck, bus, and auto fleet companies; and many national organizations throughout his career. This includes some of the largest organizations in their fields, including Schneider National, New York Metropolitan Transit Authority, Greyhound Lines and Marsh Inc.

      He has developed or assisted in developing dozens of training videos/dvds for drivers and managers. He has presented hundreds of training presentations throughout the country, and has written many articles regarding Transportation Safety.

      He has appeared as an expert witness in transportation safety matters hundreds of times across the country.

  • Dave Sersen

    • Investigator Sersen began his law enforcement career with the New York State Police and has held various titles along his career. Currently, he oversees the state-wide technical aspects of the NYSP Collision Reconstruction Unit while actively investigating criminal cases. He is an instructor for instrumentation, software, and mathematical methods.Investigator Sersen has degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from The Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science at Binghamton University. He is accredited in collision reconstruction by the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR), is a NYS licensed vehicle inspector, and is a FAA sUAS pilot. Prior to his law enforcement career, he worked in pre-hospital emergency and trauma medicine.Additionally, he instructs as an adjunct faculty for IPTM courses (EDR & Advanced TCR), and guest lectures at colleges for math and engineering classes. Investigator Sersen is published in the IEEE and Collision Magazine and testifies as an expert in the field of reconstruction in both criminal and civil courts.



  • Mark Wright – Wright Reconstruction Inc

    • Mark is the owner of Wright Reconstruction Inc., a company focused on collision reconstruction training and investigations. He retired from the Ontario Provincial Police in 2022 with 38 years of policing, and more than 30 years of collision reconstruction experience. The last 25 years of Mark’s career was devoted to full time collision reconstruction investigations and training. Mark retired from the position of Collision Reconstruction Provincial Coordinator, a position he held for more than 20 years. In this position, he was responsible for standardizing collision reconstruction training, investigative practices and report writing. In 2012 he received the IACP’s J. Stannard Baker award for enhancing the OPP’s Collision Reconstruction program. Mark has been ACTAR accredited since 2002 and served as a member of the governing board of directors from 2003 to 2022. In addition to serving as the Chair for 4 years, he also served on the crash testing committee for almost 20 years. Mark obtained his Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of Toronto in 1993 and continues to enhance his knowledge through regular collision course attendance, crash testing and investigative research. He has been conducting research into ATV collision investigation techniques for more than 20 years and authored one research papers on this subject. Additionally, Mark has conducted hundreds of critical speed yaw tests on vehicles with and without electronic stability control and authored a research paper on the accuracy of measuring techniques related to ESC Critical Speed Yaw. Mark regularly instructs collision reconstruction related courses throughout Canada.


  • Aaron Kiefer – Impact Forensics –

    • Aaron Kiefer is a consulting engineer with Impact Forensics in Cary, NC and is the founder of Collision Safety Consulting (CSC). CSC designs, tests, and sells underride guards for trucks and semitrailers. Aaron has 20 years of experience in crash reconstruction and has been conducting underride crash testing for 8 years. Aaron has designed retrofit side and rear underride prevention devices that can be bolted or welded to existing semitrailers. These devices and his live crash testing have been featured on Inside Edition, Pro Publica, NBC News among others. More details are available at


  • Matt Kiefer – Focal Point Visuals

    • Matt Kiefer is the founder of Focal Point Visuals, LLC, a forensic visuals firm based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Focal Point Visuals specializes in digitally recreating accident scenes using data from simulations and primary sources. Since 2021, Focal Point Visuals has worked with accident reconstructionists, engineers, and attorneys to create visuals successfully used at trial and in mediation on the East Coast and in the Midwest.