2024 Conference Wrap Up

As I write this, we are in the last Hospitality get together for this conference, hashing out the week, enjoying each others company, and enjoying the dulcet tones (okay, at least SOME dulcet tones) of people doing our annual “wrap up karaoke”. Many of us, including this author, have said  “There is NOT enough alcohol to make me get up there” … and yet …. we do. In part, its because we are to an extent an extended family, and after a week of learning and eating and conversing together, we are comfortable to at least release some of our reluctance. And if you were not one of those (or would not be) it is DEFINITELY a “No harm, No foul” situation. The purpose is to have fun, not to feel uncomfortable.

We have had terrific presentations from ALL of our speakers – Wade Bartlett, Greg Russell, Calvin Rikard, Dave Sersen, Vlad Bortchevsky, Jon Northrup, Jeremy Hunter, Brad Muir, and Mark Wright. Tomorrow we will have the data review from our two crash tests on Monday, and a CDR Update Review.

We are currently making plans for the 2025 conference. We urge you to register EARLY if you want to attend. We had to turn several interested people away from this years conference because we maxed out the room.

Hope to see you next year!!